Guest/Daily Information
Guests are absolutely welcome to visit Campus Recreation Facilities!
All UIC fee paying students and Campus Recreation Members are allowed to sponsor up to five (5) guests for the day by paying a guest fee and filling out a waiver form.
UIC faculty/staff can sign themselves in by purchasing a daily entrance pass. In addition UIC faculty/staff are allowed to register up to five (5) guests for the day by paying a guest fee and filling out a waiver form. Affiliates, alumni, and registered non-fee paying students that are not active members can sign themselves in by purchasing a daily entrance pass, but cannot sign in additional guests. To purchase a daily entrance pass, a valid i-card is required for faculty/staff, affiliates, and registered non-fee paying students. Proof of graduation is required for alumni.
Non-members without any affiliation to the University must be signed in by an active campus recreation member or purchase a membership for access to the facility.
Please read more about entrance, guest, and age policies here.
Guest Fee & Daily Fee Pricing Heading link
Guests of Community and Community LIMITED members (SRF only) – $20 per person
Guests of Illinois Medical District member (SFC only) – $20 per person
Daily Entrance fee for Faculty/Staff – $10 per person
Daily Entrance fee for Alumni, and Affiliates – $20 per person
Guests of Alumni, Faculty/Staff, and Affiliate members – $20 per person
Children under the age of 18 – $10 per child
*A maximum of three (3) small children per one (1) adult are allowed to be registered as guests for the day.