General Policies

Recreation and Wellbeing staff has authority over patron conduct and the use of equipment. Failure to comply with these policies may result in removal from the facility and further university sanctioning.

  • Profanity, suggestive language, and aggressive behavior are prohibited.
  • Abuse and misuse of equipment are prohibited. All equipment must remain in the area it was placed. Do not move equipment from one location to another. Non-traditional gymnasium equipment must be approved by the facility manager.
  • No food or drink is allowed in a facility other than designated lounge spaces or prior approval with Recreation and Wellbeing professional staff through a rental agreement. Water in a sealed non-glass container is allowed throughout the facility. Glass containers are prohibited.
  • Spitting on floors, walls, stairwells, water fountains, or restroom sinks is prohibited.
  • Recreation and Wellbeing is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Daily use lockers and rental lockers are available.
  • Unauthorized use of facilities for instructing, training, or coaching is prohibited.
  • Use of rollerblades, roller skates, hoverboards, skateboards, scooters and bicycles are prohibited within all facilities. Bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, and scooters must be parked in racks available throughout campus. Bicycle racks are located at the entrance to each Recreation and Wellbeing facility. See this map for locations of skateboard and scooter docks on campus.
  • Patrons 15 years and younger may enter UIC Recreation and Wellbeing facilities only when accompanied by an adult 18 years or older with a signed waiver from parent or legal guardian.
  • Sport & Fitness Center (SFC – 828 S. Wolcott)
    • Patrons 15 years and younger are permitted at the SFC on weekends and during winter/summer breaks.

Non-instructional programming (open rec) 

  • Patrons 15 years and younger are not permitted on fitness floor, functional training rooms, and running/walking tracks.
    • Exception: Personal Training with a RecWell Personal Trainer may require use of fitness areas for minors.

Instruction/Program Specific 

  • Patrons must be 5 years of age or older to access Climbing Wall upon successful completion of orientation.
  • Patrons must be 16 years of age or older to participate in or be present for Group Fitness classes unless otherwise designated by a special program.

Individuals shall be permitted to participate in Recreation and Wellbeing programs, facilities, activities, and events in accordance with that person’s asserted gender identity.

What does this mean in practice?

  • Showing up for an event, program, facility, or activity is all you have to do to establish your gender identity and participate.
  • No questions will be asked, no proof is required, If you can play, you can play!

Participation in all activities is voluntary and all individuals knowingly assume all risks when they take part in informal or programmed recreational activities. Each participant also has a responsibility to use prudent and ordinary care in their actions. The University of Illinois at Chicago and Recreation and Wellbeing are not liable for injuries sustained during participation in an activity or program.

  • Athletic (non-marking) shoes are required for recreational activities – metal on the bottom of any footwear is prohibited in all facilities (spikes, taps, etc.) and no sandals, backless or open-toe shoes are allowed during specific program activities (listed under policies for specific program areas)

Non-Gendered Attire Policy 

In an effort to be inclusive of all personal workout attire preferences, Recreation and Wellbeing has an open attire policy.

What does this mean in practice? 

  • We do not require gender-specific attire within Recreation and Wellbeing Facilities. Participants are encouraged to wear whatever attire honors their workout experience most, including sports bras, muscle tees, loose or tight-fitting clothing, etc.  Within the aquatic facility, patrons are asked to wear attire designed specifically for use in the water.
  • For your own protection, clothing that covers the chest, back and torso is strongly recommended. To reduce the risk of bloodborne pathogens spreading, refrain from all equipment usage if you have an infection or abrasion. Notify a RecWell staff member for proper clean-up if either of these results from an activity.

Patrons must present a valid physical i-card or government issued ID to access Recreation and Wellbeing facilities, programs and services.  Recreation and Wellbeing has the right to ask any individual to provide an i-card or government issued ID at any time.  An i-card serves as your Recreation and Wellbeing membership card and must be presented for entrance.  Photocopies and screenshots are not accepted.  If a student/member fails to present a University i-card, another form of identification may be used to look up the student/members eligibility for entrance at the SRF and SFC only as other areas like the ORC require swipe access at all time.  This will only be allowed twice per semester.  If a student/member fails to present a university i-card after the second time/per semester, a daily entrance fee will be applied and will need to be paid to enter.

Using another person’s i-card or government issued ID is considered theft of service.  Recreation and Wellbeing will report all incidents of ID misuse to the Dean of Students office, the i-card office or the University Policy.  Recreation and Wellbeing will confiscate the ID.

Guest Entrance Policy 

  • Members 18 years and older are allowed to sponsor up to 5 guests per day and must remain with their guests in activity spaces.
  • Members 17 years and younger cannot sponsor guests.
  • Each guest over the age of 18 must provide a valid, government-issued photo ID and sign an Assumption of Risk and Liability Waiver each day a guest is sponsored into the facility.
  • Sponsors must remain in the facility and are responsible for the actions/behavior of their guests.

Personal Care Assistants (PCA) are eligible to access Recreation and Wellbeing facilities (Student Recreation Facility or Sport & Fitness Center) in order to aid someone. The Personal Care Assistant will be required to sign a Recreation and Wellbeing Waiver and to email in advance. PCAs may access the Recreation and Wellbeing facilities only during times the individual needing assistance is in the facility, they should remain with the individual needing assistance, and can only assist the individual needing help (they cannot workout themselves). PCAs can attend various events and programs offered by Recreation and Wellbeing to assist those in need.

Personal Access 

Personal photography and videotaping are permitted in Recreation and Wellbeing facilities with the exception of restrooms and locker rooms. Personal photography and videotaping are defined as media of self, friends, and/or family obtained informally. Personal photography used for commercial purposes is not allowed.

Taking photos or videos of individuals without their consent is prohibited and is cause for immediate removal from Recreation and Wellbeing facilities, possible suspension from Recreation and Wellbeing facilities, and legal ramifications.

Academic Access 

Academic photography and videotaping are permitted in Recreation and Wellbeing facilities only with prior authorization. Academic photography and videotaping are defined as media obtained and/or reproduced for academic purposes including class projects, University promotions, and information.

Media Access 

Media access is allowed in most Recreation and Wellbeing facilities with prior authorization. Media access is defined as media obtained and/or reproduced for use by a media outlet. Proper usage includes published materials produced by the media outlet.

Authorization Procedure 

Contact in advance and state who you represent, what purpose you want to access facilities, and how the information will be used.

If permission is granted and arrangements have been made, representatives must check in with Member Services upon arrival for SRF or SFC and OFC Supervisor for OFC. You will receive media passes to wear during your visit.


No personal music may be played w/out head-phones unless part of a specific program and/or event with prior authorization.

Recreation and Wellbeing follows University Policy on Service Animals/Support Animals

           Note: Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals are not considered service animals.

All guests with service animals who enter the building must adhere to the following guidelines and relevant applicable University policies:

  • They must keep the service animal with them at all times and under control.
  • They must keep the service animal on a leash – unless the leash interferes with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents the use of a leash.
  • Guests may be requested to reposition a service animal that may be interfering with the safe passage on a walkway provided the service animal is not currently performing a service or task.
  • They must not leave the animal alone at any time.
  • They must not tie the animal to a machine/weight or another physical part of the facility at any time.

A guest will be asked to remove the animal from the facility immediately if any of the following occur:

  • The animal is not with the guest.
  • The animal is out of control and the guest does not take effective action to control it.
  • The animal is not housebroken and defecates or urinates in the facility.
  • The animal is not on a leash, or otherwise under the guest’s control if the leash.
  • interferes. with the animal’s work or the guest’s disability prevents the use of a leash.
  • The animal is tied up unattended.