Need to get away from the urban lifestyle for a weekend or even a day? UIC’s Outdoor Adventure Program provides students with outdoor experiences that are educational, inspiring, and fun. Join us on our next adventure as we climb, hike, kayak, paddle, camp, ski, cook, and learn in a beautiful and natural environment.
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Testimonial Heading link

“We did romantic night hiking under the moonlight, saw the best mountain views while leaning on the steep rocks, enjoyed cooking and gaming as a close team, and pushed ourselves beyond our limits on rocks and water with our professional and inspiring guides. I can not tell of a similar experience like this trip before and I believe it will always be one of the most special trips ever.”
Kayak Chicago Heading link
UIC Student Recreation Facility Heading link
Climbing and Outdoor Adventure Coordinator
737 S. Halsted St.,
Phone: (312) 996-1162